Baker Consultants

Habitat creation and translocation is a key strength of Baker Consultants and we have been involved in some of the major UK translocation schemes.

Andrew Baker supervised the habitat translocation at Manchester Airport Runway 2, which included the translocation of ancient woodland. He subsequently sat on the steering group that oversaw the publication of the Highways Agency (now Highways England) best practice guidance on habitat translocation.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) seeks to ensure no net loss of biodiversity and overall gains where possible. Although not all habitats can be translocated, it can be the best option for compensating for habitat loss in some circumstances. Translocation always requires experience and detailed understanding of the habitat in question, as well as specialist equipment and a contractor who has the necessary experience.

Baker Consultants has considerable experience in compiling method statements, planting schedules and management regimes that aim to create new natural habitats. Successful habitat creation requires a detailed understanding not only of the habitat to be created but also the existing soil conditions of the site. Without this knowledge, habitat creation schemes will fail, adding to the costs of the scheme.

Habitat Creation and Translocation

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Innovation and commercial awareness are at the heart of what we do. Ask us the silly questions and expect an honest answer. From species and habitat surveys to public inquiry expert witness and biodiversity net gain calculations, Baker Consultants can help you at all stages of the development timeline. Contact us now about your project. Click here to send us an email or pick up the phone: 01629 593958.

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