Baker Consultants

Invertebrate survey

Which species are protected and how do you find them?

A significant number of invertebrates are legally protected, labelled as a priority species for conservation action or considered as rare and endangered. As insects play an incredibly important role in many ecological processes, it is essential that the protection of any potential invertebrates on-site is considered during development projects. Brownfield sites and ancient woodland provide particularly rich habitat. Contact our specialist invertebrate ecologist to book your surveys.

Contact us about Invertebrate surveys

Protection and survey methods

In England and Wales, three European Protected Species (EPS), are protected by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulation (2017); Large blue butterflies (eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises and adults), Fisher’s estuarine moths (eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises and adults) and Little ramshorn whirlpool snails.

Where these species occur, the sites are often designated as sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulation, it is illegal to capture, kill, disturb or injure these species, either on purpose or through lack of care. Together with three European Protected Species, four hundred other species form the invertebrate species of principal importance in England and are included within: Schedule 5 of the the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and are S41 Priority Species protected through the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006).

65% of all species on the planet are invertebrates, with more than 32,000 terrestrial and freshwater species in the UK. In line with Natural England’s guidelines, a minimum of four or five terrestrial and/or aquatic invertebrate surveys should be undertaken between April and September every year, with surveys spread out through this period to sample spring, summer and autumn species.

Survey methods include; sweep netting, aerial netting, beating tray, pan or water traps, suction sampling, flight interceptor, direct searching, light trapping and for aquatic surveys; net and kick sampling

Invertebrate survey

Why Baker Consultants?

Our team includes specialist invertabrate ecologists qualified not only to survey but also to provide robust species identification and advice on how to create sustainable habitats to preserve priority species. Many different habitats support invertebrates and sites with a mosaic of habitats tend to support a wider range and should be protected from distruction. Read about out our experience with habitat translocation and creation.

Find out more about Species and Habitat surveys

Habitats and what they support

Brownfield sites on previously developed land are often filled with invertebrates as they have poor soils, which allow for a sparse vegetation cover that can be dominated by flowering plants. These then provide the required resources for many of the bees, wasps and ants. These resources are pollen, nectar and prey items, as well as providing the required habitats to allow nesting or colony construction.

Ancient woodlands allow for trees in various states of growth and decay which, in turn, provides a wide variety of habitat niches that can then support a diverse range of invertebrates, often including some very rare and protected species.