Baker Consultants

Outline planning consent achieved for residential development in Derby

Planning and Design Group (P&DG) has obtained outline planning consent with all matters reserved except access, subject to completion of the Section 106 Agreement, for a high quality, sustainable residential development of 250 dwellings on the edge of Oakwood, Derby.

P&DG has been engaged in the longstanding promotion of the site through to an allocation in the emerging Derby City Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy, working proactively with planners and fellow consultants to secure the positive decision at Planning Committee, concurring with officer recommendations.

The development also includes 75 much-needed affordable homes, provision for an ecological wildlife corridor extending beyond Chaddesden Wood Local Nature Reserve, over 3 hectares of accessible public open space, a neighbourhood play facility, new footpath links and pedestrian crossing to facilitate better linkages towards the Breadsall railway cutting. An overcapacity in the on-site drainage attenuation system has been designed into the north-eastern corner of the site to manage surface water both on and offsite, responding directly to concerns raised during the consultation about flooding further afield in the Breadsall area. Moreover, approximately £1.2 million has been proposed to be directly invested in Oakwood, towards the maintenance and support for new open space, leisure and community facilities, and highway improvements to the A61 corridor as part of the associated S106 Agreement.

Following extensive public consultation before and after the submission, P&DG and the rest of the application team have secured a highly desirable development that received the support of material consultees including the Highways Authority, Derbyshire County Archaeology, Environment Agency and Severn Trent Water. The landscape and amenity value of the site, which forms part of a designated Green Wedge were found not to be significant when tested against the Council’s lack of a five-year housing land supply and the National Policy Planning Framework (NPPF). Ultimately, the location of development has been proven to be very sustainable in assisting the city’s housing delivery to provide family homes, that should respond positively to the existing built form when developed as part of the future Reserved Matters submission.
Carlos Abrahams, Technical Director of Baker Consultants said: “Baker Consultants is pleased to be working with P&DG on this scheme”.